Trinidad & Tobago News

Curator at the Emperor Valley Zoo Nirmal Biptah (left), Health and Safety Volunteer Mario Lutchmedial (middle) and zookeeper Walter Bunyan at Mustard’s enclosure today.

Trinidad zookeeper, snake reunite after shocking incident

(Trinidad Guardian) It was the re­union that many hoped for. Zookeep­er Wal­ter Bun­yan and Al­bi­no Burmese Python on Fri­day re­unit­ed af­ter a bite that shocked many on Thurs­day.   A video post­ed on so­cial me­dia Thurs­day af­ter­noon showed Bun­yan open­ing Mus­tard’s en­clo­sure and toss­ing a rab­bit for him to eat.

Jagdeo Seecharan shows where bandits broke the showcase at Savi Classic Jewellery, Couva yesterday.

Trinidad bandit shot dead during attempted robbery

(Trinidad Guardian) A day­light rob­bery was foiled when two ban­dits be­lieved to be in their ear­ly 20s from Long­denville and Rio Claro re­spec­tive­ly were shot by se­cu­ri­ty guards as they at­tempt­ed to rob Savi’s Clas­sic Jew­el­ry lo­cat­ed on the cor­ner of Noel Street and South­ern Main Road, Cou­va on Tues­day.

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