Trinidad & Tobago News

Students of Signal Hill Secondary School in video with a gun.
Students of Signal Hill Secondary School in video with a gun.

Tobago cops probing video of schoolboys posing with guns

(Trinidad Guardian) To­ba­go Po­lice are cur­rent­ly in­ves­ti­gat­ing a video of a group of boys dressed in the uni­form of Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School pass­ing around what ap­peared to be a firearm.

MR MIXER: Isaiah Trumpet mixes a cocktail en route to copping a silver medal for himself and team TT at a culinary competition held in Miami. The team also copped a gold and silver in other events.
MR MIXER: Isaiah Trumpet mixes a cocktail en route to copping a silver medal for himself and team TT at a culinary competition held in Miami. The team also copped a gold and silver in other events.

Trinidad & Tobago sweeps Caribbean culinary competition held in Miami

(Trinidad Newsday) Members of the 2019 National Culinary Team, who took part in the Taste of the Caribbean competition in Miami which ended on Tuesday, took away gold, silver and bronze medals in individual categories.

Nicholas Maharaj

Trinidad boy, 13, drowns after being pulled out to sea

(Trinidad Guardian) Clutch­ing a rock as she strug­gled to es­cape bat­ter­ing waves and strong cur­rents, Rad­ha Ju­goon watched in dis­may as her 13-year-old son drowned in the sea while swim­ming in the Morne Di­a­blo Beach on Sat­ur­day.

The wreckage of a ship abandoned after Hurricane Maria in Dominica.

Trinidad can learn from Dominica’s hurricane recovery

(Trinidad Guardian) The hur­ri­cane fore­cast for 2019 is just as bad as the fore­cast of 2018 and with nine to 15 named storms ex­pect­ed to form in the At­lantic this year, of­fi­cials from the Com­mon­wealth of Do­mini­ca wants the rest of the Caribbean to pre­pare.

Wooden structures which residents claimed were bought and occupied by squatters at Temple Road, Brickfield Carapichaima from a man.

Trinidad villagers complain of illegal activities by Venezuelans, Colombians

(Trinidad Guardian) There is said to be an “in­va­sion” of Colom­bians and Venezue­lans at Brick­field in Cara­pichaima which are caus­ing grave con­cerns by vil­lagers who are claim­ing that il­le­gal ac­tiv­i­ties are on a ram­pant in­crease in­clud­ing State land grab­bing, drug traf­fick­ing, guns and am­mu­ni­tion traf­fick­ing and hu­man traf­fick­ing.

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