Trinidad & Tobago News

Car­los Mon­tesinos, Car­los Ed­uar­do Ro­driguez and Michael Alexan­der Perez Gar­cia  after successfully completing registration. (Trinidad Guardian photo)
Car­los Mon­tesinos, Car­los Ed­uar­do Ro­driguez and Michael Alexan­der Perez Gar­cia after successfully completing registration. (Trinidad Guardian photo)

Venezuelans celebrate after registration in Trinidad & Tobago

(Trinidad Guardian) Venezue­lans who risked their lives to cross the ocean in search of a bet­ter life in Trinidad are now cel­e­brat­ing hav­ing com­plet­ed reg­is­tra­tion, which al­lows them to live and work in Trinidad for a year.

Acting National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds (centre) speaks to members of the media outside the Queen’s Park Oval yesterday. Also in picture are Police Commissioner, Gary Griffith, left and PS in the National Security Ministry, Vel Lewis.

Hundreds of Venezuelans turn up on first day of registration in Trinidad

(Trinidad Guardian) Hun­dreds of Venezue­lan na­tion­als, some of whom slept on the side­walks in San Fer­nan­do and Port-of-Spain on Thurs­day night to be ahead in the line, turned out yesterday on the first day of the 13-day reg­is­tra­tion which will al­low them to work and live in this coun­try legal­ly for up to a year.

The damaged engine of tbe Venezolano flight which made an emergency landing at Piarco yesterday.

Trinidad: Airplane makes emergency landing at Piarco Airport

(Trinidad Guardian) The Trinidad & Tobago Civ­il Avi­a­tion Au­thor­i­ty (TTCAA) is in­ves­ti­gat­ing an in­ci­dent in which Vene­zolana Air­lines flight AW1303 was forced to make an emer­gency land­ing at Pi­ar­co In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port on yes­ter­day af­ter­noon.

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