Trinidad & Tobago News

National Security Minister Stuart Young (centre) addresses the media at the close of registration yesterday.

Trinidad announces visa requirement for Venezuelans

(Trinidad Guardian) Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young has an­nounced that from Mon­day, the Gov­ern­ment of Trinidad and To­ba­go will im­ple­ment a visa sys­tem for Venezue­lans wish­ing to come to Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The protest outside the Queens Park Oval in Port of Spain

Anti-migrant protest erupts in Trinidad

(Trinidad Express) On the night before the final day of the Venezuelan migrant registration process, a protest erupted outside the Queens Park Oval in Port of Spain, triggering a police response led by Commissioner Gary Griffith.

Sat Maharaj

Trinidad police seize more info from Radio Jaagriti

(Trinidad Guardian) De­spite a pend­ing le­gal ac­tion which chal­lenges the Sedi­tion Act and pos­si­ble charges against Sanatan Dhar­ma Ma­ha Sab­ha Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al Sat­naryan Ma­haraj, po­lice re­turned to Ra­dio and TV Jaagri­ti yesterday to ob­tain tapes which may be linked to the case.

Reshma Katwaroo, shows the living room section of her home where the roof was blown off by a National Security helicopter yesterday.

Trinidad: Helicopter rips roof off of San Fernando home

(Trinidad Guardian) A San Fer­nan­do fam­i­ly of 12, in­clud­ing four chil­dren, cow­ered in fear at their home ear­ly on Wednes­day af­ter, what they first thought was a storm, turned out to be a Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty he­li­copter hov­er­ing, close to their roof.

A crowd looks on as members of the Singh family who died in a fire at their Samaroo Street, Aranguez, home yesterday, are taken away by undertakers.

Trinidad family of 3 perishes in blaze

(Trinidad Guardian) Des­per­ate to get the at­ten­tion of any­one to come to his fam­i­ly’s aid, Ra­jku­mar Singh, 70, screamed from his win­dow for help be­fore dawn on Wednesday as fire trapped his fam­i­ly in­side.

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