Trinidad & Tobago News

Kelly Zambrano
Kelly Zambrano

Trinidad: Relatives of young Venezuelan woman suspect boat was hijacked

(Trinidad Guardian) Rel­a­tives of a young woman who was among 22 pas­sen­gers on board the Ana Maria, the ves­sel that has not been seen since it sailed from Güiria in Venezuela bound for T&T, say she had been promised a job at a re­sort ho­tel where the in­come of up to US$1,000 a week was guar­an­teed.

Attorney CJ Williams, centre, with his clients, from left, Akili Charles, Chicki Portillo, Isreal Lara, Levi Joseph and Kareem Gomez stand outside the Port-of-Spain Magistrates Court after they were freed, yesterday.
Attorney CJ Williams, centre, with his clients, from left, Akili Charles, Chicki Portillo, Isreal Lara, Levi Joseph and Kareem Gomez stand outside the Port-of-Spain Magistrates Court after they were freed, yesterday.

Trinidad: Six men freed of murder charges after almost a decade on remand

(Trinidad Guardian) Six men from Diego Mar­tin, who spent al­most a decade be­hind bars await­ing tri­al for mur­der, were freed on Tues­day af­ter a mag­is­trate found there was in­suf­fi­cient ev­i­dence for them to face a judge and ju­ry.

This inlet is one of the beaches Venezuelans use to enter Los Iros nightly along the southern coast.

Venezuelan women held in Trinidad sex camp

(Trinidad Guardian) A se­cret agri­cul­tur­al plot in Los Iros, where five Venezue­lan women are be­ing as sex slaves, has been un­cov­ered by vil­lagers who are now call­ing on law en­force­ment au­thor­i­ties to in­ves­ti­gate.

A man known as "El Culon" who only recently assumed leadership of the Evander gang was one of eight Venezuelans arrested over the weekend in a police exercise in Point Fortin.

New leader of Venezuela’s ‘Evander’ gang held in Trinidad & Tobago

(Trinidad Guardian) A man known as “El Cu­lon” who on­ly re­cent­ly as­sumed lead­er­ship of the Evan­der gang was one of eight Venezue­lans ar­rest­ed over the week­end in a po­lice ex­er­cise in Point Fortin to­geth­er with a Trinida­di­an man who to­geth­er/who are both con­sid­ered mas­ter­minds of kid­nap­pings, drug traf­fick­ing, gun run­ning and hu­man traf­fick­ing.

Lisa Morris- Julian

Hindu school in Trinidad closed because of upsurge in crime

(Trinidad Guardian) The Ari­ma Hin­du School on Tem­ple Street, has been or­dered closed fol­low­ing an up­surge of crime in the com­mu­ni­ty where it is lo­cat­ed On Fri­day, Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion of­fi­cials told the prin­ci­pal and staff no one should en­ter the school com­pound un­til fur­ther no­tice.

Tranquillity Government Secondary School

Trinidad: Probe into absence of school official during CSEC exam

(Trinidad Guardian) Even as in­ves­ti­ga­tions con­tin­ue in­to the cheat­ing scan­dal which oc­curred dur­ing last Wednes­day’s CSEC Math ex­am at the Tran­quil­li­ty Gov­ern­ment Sec­ondary School, a par­al­lel in­ves­ti­ga­tion has been launched in­to the ab­sence of a key se­nior of­fi­cial who ought to have been present at the in­sti­tu­tion on the day.

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