Trinidad & Tobago News

U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters pose for a photo on a rooftop overlooking Baghouz, Syria (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

Trinidad nationals might be among 200 killed in Syria

(Trinidad Newsday) With last Monday’s bombing by US-backed Syrian forces of the two remaining ISIS-controlled villages in which 200 men, women and children were reportedly killed, some families in TT fear their loved ones who migrated to Syria and Iraq might be among the dead.

The police vehicle which struck and killed Michael Barry along the Priority Bus Route, Barataria, yesterday.

Trinidad: Police SUV kills elderly man crossing road

(Trinidad Guardian) The death of an el­der­ly man who was struck and killed by a po­lice ve­hi­cle while at­tempt­ing to cross the Pri­or­i­ty Bus Route in Barataria — the sec­ond fa­tal ac­ci­dent in­volv­ing a po­lice of­fi­cer in three days — has prompt­ed the Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice to get per­son­al­ly in­volved in the in­ves­ti­ga­tions of both mat­ters.

Trinidad: Seven cops held over extra-duty racket

(Trinidad Guardian) Five fe­male Spe­cial Re­serve Po­lice Of­fi­cers and a se­nior su­per­in­ten­dent of po­lice are among sev­en po­lice of­fi­cers ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the Pro­fes­sion­al Stan­dards Bu­reau for mis­chief in pub­lic of­fice.

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