Trinidad & Tobago News

Police stand outside a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Multiple people were killed during shootings at two mosques full of people attending Friday prayers.
Police stand outside a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Multiple people were killed during shootings at two mosques full of people attending Friday prayers.

Trinidad Muslims call for police protection at Friday prayers after New Zealand terror attack

(Trinidad Express) The Ummah T&T Muslim Lobby Group is condemning the mass shootings at two mosques full of worshippers attending Friday Juma’ah prayers in New Zealand which killed 49 people and injured a similar number, some seriously.

A screen grab of the Supplemental Police officer showing the fake panelling hidden at the top of an ATM machine which was used to hide a cellphone which was photographing customers' pin numbers. The officers discovered the device Thursday night after receiving information.
A screen grab of the Supplemental Police officer showing the fake panelling hidden at the top of an ATM machine which was used to hide a cellphone which was photographing customers’ pin numbers. The officers discovered the device Thursday night after receiving information.

Trinidad: Cops find ATM skimming device in ATM outlet

(Trinidad Guardian) Sup­ple­men­tal Po­lice un­cov­ered and re­moved a fake ATM pan­elling de­vice that was hid­ing a cell­phone used to cap­ture im­ages of cus­tomers’ pin num­bers at Sco­tia­bank’s Freeport ATM unit.

A photo of Essie Parks-Ewing and her father Donald Parks is happier times. Parks was killed during a home invasion earlier this week

Elderly Tobago businessman murdered

(Trinidad Guardian) The daugh­ter of slain To­ba­go busi­ness­man and re­tired po­lice sergeant Don­ald Parks has bro­ken her si­lence mere days af­ter the in­ci­dent, call­ing for swift jus­tice in his case.

The picture which Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley posted on himself and his doctor in California Tuesday night, as he announced he will not need heart surgery. Office of the PM

T&T PM doesn’t need heart surgery

(Trinidad Guardian) Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley is a re­lieved man af­ter his car­di­ol­o­gist de­liv­ered good news say­ing that there is no need for heart surgery.

Trinidad & Tobago author Caroline MacKenzie.

Trinidad author lands deal with Netflix

(Trinidad Guardian) Net­flix has snapped up the tele­vi­sion rights for the as yet to be pub­lished de­but nov­el of T&T na­tion­al Car­o­line MacKen­zie, which tells the tale of a Venezue­lan fam­i­ly liv­ing in this coun­try il­le­gal­ly.

A global map depicting several countries where the Boeing 737 Max 8 has been grounded following the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines plane that killed 157 people on Sunday.

737 Max 8 still landing at Trinidad airport

(Trinidad Guardian) Even as dozens of coun­tries around the world im­posed re­stric­tions on the Boe­ing 737 Max 8, Amer­i­can Air­lines con­tin­ues to op­er­ate the air­craft on its routes be­tween T&T and the Unit­ed States on Tues­day.

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