Trinidad & Tobago News

police presence: Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, centre, in camouflage with members of the police service walks on Abercromby Street, Port of Spain on Carnival Tuesday. At left is National Security Minister Stuart Young. —Photo: ISHMAEL SALANDY
police presence: Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, centre, in camouflage with members of the police service walks on Abercromby Street, Port of Spain on Carnival Tuesday. At left is National Security Minister Stuart Young. —Photo: ISHMAEL SALANDY

Trinidad: Gary calls ex-CoP jealous and coward

(Trinidad Express) Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith is responding to a report in today’s Express in which a former Commissioner of Police said that police officers were breaking the law by wearing camouflage.

UNC moves on CJ

(Trinidad Express) A motion calling on the Prime Minister to take action against Chief Justice Ivor Archie is to be debated in the House of Represen-tatives.

From left, UNDP assistant resident representative Sharifa Ali-Abdullah, Madinah House patron Zalayhar Hassanali, Madinah House president Lydia Choate and Sabeerah Khan display the new magazine at yesterday’s launch.

Trinidad has 130,000 women victims of violence—UNDP exec

(Trinidad Guardian) Unit­ed Na­tions De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme (UNDP) as­sis­tant res­i­dent rep­re­sen­ta­tive Shar­i­fa Ali-Ab­dul­lah says cul­tur­al be­liefs con­tribute to the sex­u­al abuse and bat­ter­ing of women and chil­dren in T&T.

Plane’s brake system was not functional

(Trinidad Guardian) A pre­lim­i­nary re­port has shown that the brak­ing sys­tem on the Caribbean Airlines Limited’s (CAL) ATR air­craft was not func­tion­al at the time the air­craft col­lid­ed with a wall at Pi­ar­co Airport on Wednes­day, Fi­nance Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert said on Friday.

Trinidad CLICO probe cost TT$0.5b -al-Rawi

(Trinidad Express) Attorney General Faris al-Rawi has revealed that taxpayers have spent over half a billion dollars in pursuit of criminal investigations and litigation resulting from the collapse of CLICO.

Faris al-Rawi

Trinidad CLICO probe cost TT$0.5b -al-Rawi

(Trinidad Express) Attorney General Faris al-Rawi has revealed that taxpayers have spent over half a billion dollars in pursuit of criminal investigations and litigation resulting from the collapse of CLICO.

Trinidad PM Keith Rowley

Trinidad PM for more medical tests

(Trinidad Guardian) Prime Min­is­ter Kei­th Row­ley who com­plet­ed one set of med­ical tests on Wednes­day, has to do two more sets of tests to­mor­row and next Mon­day.

Tiana Parriag sifts through a pile of jewellery recovered by police following a heist at their Couva business place in which two robbers were shot dead, yesterday.

Trinidad: After heist foiled, all items recovered

(Trinidad Guardian) Prais­ing the po­lice for killing two rob­bers and re­cov­er­ing over $200,000 in stolen loot, Cou­va jew­ellers An­na and Lakhram Par­riag yes­ter­day ex­pressed sat­is­fac­tion that some of the “pests” who had been ter­ror­is­ing them were dead.

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