Trinidad & Tobago News

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith stands outside the New Scotland Yard during his visit to the UK.
Police Commissioner Gary Griffith stands outside the New Scotland Yard during his visit to the UK.

Trinidad Top Cop: UK training to help prosecute criminals

(Trinidad Guardian) A new colour-cod­ed threat alert sys­tem and train­ing for po­lice of­fi­cers to pros­e­cute cas­es are some of the im­me­di­ate out­comes of a week-long vis­it to the Unit­ed King­dom by Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith.

Internal Revenue Service employees display placards during a rally by federal employees and supports in front of the Statehouse, in Boston, to call for an end of the partial shutdown of the federal government.

Trinidad could feel effects of US shutdown

(Trinidad Guardian) As the longest-ever gov­ern­ment shut­down in Unit­ed States his­to­ry con­tin­ues, there are warn­ings that T&T and oth­er coun­tries in the Caribbean could be af­fect­ed.

Jamel Woods, 24, of Cocorite

Trinidad: Relatives say Cocorite man was executed

(Trinidad Guardian) Rel­a­tives of Jamel Woods, 24, who was killed in a po­lice-in­volved shoot­ing in Wa­ter­hole, Co­corite, on Sat­ur­day claim he was ex­e­cut­ed and are call­ing for a full in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to his death.

(Left to right) Acting assistant commissoner of prisons Carlos Corraspe, prisons commissioner Gerard Wilson, National Security Ministry PS Vel Lewis, DPP Roger Gaspard, assistant DPP Tricia Hudlin-Cooper, prosecutor Nigel Pilgrim, acting deputy commissioner of police Deodat Dulalchan and acting assitant commisioner of police Joanne Archie at a JSC on finance and legal affairs on Friday. PHOTO BY ANGELO MARCELLE

Trinidad: 47 deadbeat dads in jail

(Trinidad Newsday) Some 47 people, presumably men, are in jail for failing to pay child maintenance, revealed acting Assistant Commissioner of Prisons Carlos Corraspe to a parliamentary committee on Friday.

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