Trinidad & Tobago News

Supporters wave flags during the United National Congress (UNC) National assembly in Couva yesterday. -Photo: DEXTER PHILIP
Supporters wave flags during the United National Congress (UNC) National assembly in Couva yesterday. -Photo: DEXTER PHILIP

Concern over 200,000 Trinidadians holding US visas after PM’s stance on Venezuela

(Trinidad Express) There are more than 200,000 Trinidad and Tobago citizens who hold United States visas and can be impacted by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s “not-so-veiled attack” on the United States over its stance on Venezuela.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Trinidad: UNC to contest on its own

(Trinidad Express) The United National Congress (UNC) is strong and will be fighting the 2020 general election without a coalition, says Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Makaan Grant, 27, of Curepe is arrested for cannabis possession at a rally calling for legalisation of the plant in San Fernando, yesterday.
Makaan Grant, 27, of Curepe is arrested for cannabis possession at a rally calling for legalisation of the plant in San Fernando, yesterday.

Tension at ganja rally in Trinidad after man arrested for possession

(Trinidad Guardian) Ras­tas chant­ed for equal rights and jus­tice af­ter po­lice ar­rest­ed a man for pos­ses­sion of cannabis dur­ing the ral­ly or­gan­ised by the All Man­sions of Rasta­fari on Sun­day in San Fer­nan­do.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar speaks during the sitting of Parliament yesterday.

Trinidad opposition endorses Guaido as Venezuelan leader

(Trinidad Guardian) The Op­po­si­tion Unit­ed Nation­al Congress has en­dorsed Venezue­lan Na­tion­al As­sem­bly head Juan Guai­do as in­ter­im Pres­i­dent and called for fresh elec­tions in Venezuela su­per­vised by in­ter­na­tion­al ob­servers.

Joseph Mondello

US knocks Trinidad and Tobago over Maduro stand

(Trinidad Express) In a brief but hard-hitting statement on Venezuela’s developing political crisis, United States Ambassador Joseph Mondello yesterday slammed the Trinidad and Tobago Government for continuing to recognise Nicolas Maduro as president of the troubled country.

‘T&T is not going to intervene in Venezuelan crisis’ – Young

(Trinidad Express) National Security Minister and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Stuart Young, has reiterated Government’s commitment to respecting the sovereignty of Venezuela and said yesterday it continues to recognise Nicolas Maduro as the president of the troubled Latin American neighbour.

National Security Minister Stuart Young

Trinidad not getting involved in Venezuela’s turmoil

(Trinidad Guardian) Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young says Trinidad and To­ba­go will not get in­volved in the cur­rent po­lit­i­cal tur­moil in Venezuela and says he has no in­for­ma­tion of a “coup” in the coun­try.

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith stands outside the New Scotland Yard during his visit to the UK.

Trinidad Top Cop: UK training to help prosecute criminals

(Trinidad Guardian) A new colour-cod­ed threat alert sys­tem and train­ing for po­lice of­fi­cers to pros­e­cute cas­es are some of the im­me­di­ate out­comes of a week-long vis­it to the Unit­ed King­dom by Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith.

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