Trinidad & Tobago News

Gloria Nicome is comforted by Guardian Media reporter Shaliza Hassanali following a brief interview at her Malabar, Arima apartment yesterday.
Gloria Nicome is comforted by Guardian Media reporter Shaliza Hassanali following a brief interview at her Malabar, Arima apartment yesterday.

Trinidad woman living with 200 lbs tumour faces eviction from apartment

(Trinidad Guardian) Glo­ria Nicome, who is liv­ing with an en­larged tu­mour grow­ing on her back, but­tocks, hips and legs that weighs al­most 200 pounds, has been giv­en no­tice by her land­lord to va­cate her Mal­abar apart­ment.

Dr Winford James

Trinidad PM warned by analyst to watch his back after Guyana gov’t collapse

(Trinidad Guardian) If De­vant Ma­haraj’s claim that he is get­ting priv­i­leged in­for­ma­tion from some­one in­side Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley’s Cab­i­net is cor­rect, then Row­ley needs to en­sure that any dis­con­tent is ad­dressed to avoid be­ing put in a sim­i­lar predica­ment to what tran­spired in the Guyana Par­lia­ment on Fri­day night.

Heritage Petroleum claims sabotage in oil leak

(Trinidad Guardian) Pre­dic­tions of sab­o­tage of T&T’s oil as­sets are ma­te­ri­al­is­ing af­ter Heritage Pe­tro­le­um re­port­ed that a crude oil line had been hack­sawed on Fri­day by al­leged saboteurs.

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