Trinidad & Tobago News

Crime Scene Investigators outside the Vega de Oropouche home home of Nathania Cadogan yesterday. Cadogan and her boyfriend were found dead by a neighbour.
Crime Scene Investigators outside the Vega de Oropouche home home of Nathania Cadogan yesterday. Cadogan and her boyfriend were found dead by a neighbour.

Trinidad: Couple found dead, cops hunt jealous ex-lover

(Trinidad Guardian) A soured love af­fair is be­lieved to have led to the mur­der of a moth­er of one and her new boyfriend at the woman’s Para­mond Street, To­co Main Road, Ve­ga De Oropouche home ear­ly yes­ter­day.

Kedar Ali-Mark

Trinidad: Man shot outside hostel

(Trinidad Guardian) A month af­ter the own­er of 4Play Sports Bar and Lounge was mur­dered, one of his em­ploy­ees was shot in the carpark of the hos­tel on Fri­day night.

A police officer on guard near the Caribbean Bottlers Limited along  Churchill Roosevelt Highway in Tunapuna yesterday, where a large quantity of cocaine and marijuana.

Marijuana, Cocaine found at Trinidad soft drink factory

(Trinidad Guardian) A ship­ment of mar­i­jua­na and co­caine to­talling 13 bags were dis­cov­ered by em­ploy­ees as they were of­fload­ing a con­tain­er on the com­pound of Caribbean Bot­tlers Lim­it­ed along the Churchill Roo­sevelt High­way in Tu­na­puna yes­ter­day.

Michael de la Bastide

Trinidad PM can act on CJ impeachment- de la Bastide

(Trinidad Guardian) Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has the pow­er to trig­ger an im­peach­ment process against Chief Jus­tice Ivor Archie al­though he may be called as a po­ten­tial wit­ness in the mat­ter, says for­mer Caribbean Court of Jus­tice pres­i­dent Michael de la Bastide.

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