
Libyans celebrate
Libyans celebrate

Rebels enter heart of Tripoli, crowds celebrate

TRIPOLI,  (Reuters) – Jubilant rebel fighters streamed  into the heart of Tripoli as Muammar Gaddafi’s forces collapsed  and crowds took to the streets to celebrate, tearing down  posters of the Libyan leader.

N.Korea’s Kim in Russia, to meet Medvedev

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong-il arrived in Russia yesterday for his first visit in nearly a decade as the isolated state sought economic aid after heavy flooding exacerbated its chronic food shortages.

Syrian forces fire heavy machineguns in Homs

AMMAN (Reuters) – Syrian forces fired heavy machineguns at a residential district in the central city of Homs yesterday after protests against President Bashar al-Assad, who faces growing world isolation for his repression of five months of popular unrest.

Five headless bodies found in Acapulco

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Authorities in Mexico found the decapitated bodies of four men and a woman in Acapulco yesterday, the latest in a string of slayings in the popular Pacific resort this week.

Meeting may lead to Strauss-Kahn dismissal -lawyer

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The prosecutors in the case of former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn will meet tomorrow with the hotel maid accusing him of sexual assault, in a sign the case may be headed for dismissal, one of her lawyers said yesterday.

Mugabe succession race could turn ugly

HARARE (Reuters) – The death of a top Zimbabwean army general in a bizarre fire has changed the dynamics in internal ZANU-PF battles over President Robert Mugabe’s succession, but analysts say the issue remains unsettled and could lead to some bruising battles ahead.

Muammar Gaddafi

Libya rebels battle for coastal cities

ZAWIYAH, Libya, (Reuters) – Libyan rebels fought  fierce battles in two coastal cities on either side of the  capital Tripoli yesterday in a drive to topple Muammar Gaddafi,  but met stiff resistance from forces loyal to the long-time  leader.

Hamas armed wing calls off two-year truce

GAZA, (Reuters) – The Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip  announced last night they were no longer committed to a  more than two-year de facto truce with Israel since the end of a  war in early 2009.

Police payment emails growing worry for Murdoch execs

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Executives at Rupert  Murdoch’s UK-based News International are concerned that emails  discussing questionable payments made to police by the News of  the World may prove more problematic than those that discuss  phone hacking, sources familiar with investigations into the  shuttered tabloid’s reporting practices said.

Suicide bomber kills at least 47 in Pakistan

KHYBER, Pakistan, (Reuters) – A teenage suicide  bomber blew himself up among worshippers offering Friday prayers  at a mosque in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 47 people  and wounding more than 70, a top government official said.

Strauss-Kahn accuser mulls dropping case for money -WSJ

NEW YORK, (Reuters) – Lawyers for the woman who  accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual  assault have explored a deal in which they would scuttle the  criminal case in exchange for a monetary settlement in the  civil lawsuit, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday.

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