
Rebel fighters wait at a checkpoint near a sign pointing to Tripoli in the coastal town of Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, August 14, 2011. REUTERS/Bob Strong
Rebel fighters wait at a checkpoint near a sign pointing to Tripoli in the coastal town of Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) west of Tripoli, August 14, 2011. REUTERS/Bob Strong

Rebels say Tripoli encircled; U.S. says Scud fired

ZAWIYAH, Libya, (Reuters) – Libyan rebels said they  had seized a second strategic town near Tripoli within 24 hours,  completing the encirclement of the capital in the boldest  advances of their six-month-old uprising against Muammar  Gaddafi.

Bombs, attacks hit Iraqi cities, at least 50 dead

BAGHDAD,  (Reuters) – Suicide attackers and car bombs  struck cities across Iraq yesterday, killing at least 50 people  and wounding scores more in a rash of apparently coordinated  assaults carried out by affiliates of al Qaeda, authorities  said.

Malawi report says 19 killed, 58 shot in protests

LILONGWE, (Reuters) – Malawi police killed 19 unarmed  citizens and shot 58 others during protests in July, the  government’s rights body said yesterday, in the first official  report on unprecedented rallies against President Bingu wa  Mutharika’s government.

Tank, navy attack on Syria’s Latakia kills 26 -witnesses

AMMAN, (Reuters) – Syrian tanks and navy ships  shelled the main Mediterra-nean port city of Latakia yesterday,  residents and rights groups said, killing 26 people as President  Bashar al-Assad’s forces launched an offensive by land and sea  to crush protests against his rule.

Suicide bombers, gunmen kill 22 in central Afghanistan

PARWAN, Afghanistan, (Reuters) – Taliban suicide  bombers killed at least 22 people in a bold attack on a  governor’s compound in central Afghanistan during a security  meeting on Sunday, officials said, with gunbattles and several  blasts heard before the assault was put down.

Syrian forces kill 3, tanks enter coastal city

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Syrian troops killed three people as tanks swept into a coastal city yesterday, activists said, in a crackdown on protests against President Bashar al-Assad which drew criticism from an international Muslim group.

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann wins Iowa Republican test, Perry jumps in

AMES, Iowa (Reuters) – Michele Bachmann narrowly won the Iowa straw poll of Republicans yesterday in the first big test of the 2012 presidential campaign, as Texas Governor Rick Perry formally launched a White House bid that could reshape the race.

UK govt says must tackle social problems after riots

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain needs to tackle deep-seated social problems following riots and looting in English cities this week, the centre-right government said yesterday, and a US street crime expert it has brought in said arrests alone would not solve the problem.

President Barack Obama

Confidence in Obama’s leadership shaken in US

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A spree of bad news — market gyrations, fears of a double-dip recession, stubborn unemployment and fallout from a debt deal — has shaken confidence in US President Barack Obama’s leadership and could cloud his chances for winning re-election.

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