
Bernard Gousse
Bernard Gousse

Haitian Senate rejects new candidate for premier

PORT-AU-PRINCE,  (Reuters) – Lawmakers rejected  Haitian President Michel Martelly’s new choice for prime  minister yesterday, blocking his efforts to install a  government and move ahead with rebuilding a country shattered  by last year’s earthquake.

Eleventh arrest in UK tabloid hacking scandal

LONDON, (Reuters) – Stuart Kuttner, who ran the News  of the World’s finances for 22 years as managing editor, was  arrested yesterday over a phone-hacking scandal at the  now-defunct tabloid which has rattled the British establishment,  a source close to the case said.

Total to face oil-for-food corruption trial-source

PARIS, (Reuters) – A French magistrate has decided to  decided to send giant oil company Total and its chief executive  to trial on charges that the company engaged in corruption  during the United Nations oil-for-food program in Saddam  Hussein’s Iraq, a judicial source said yesterday.

Tech firm says News International deleted emails

LONDON, (Reuters) – A technology firm has told British  legislators it was aware of the deletion of hundreds of  thousands of emails at the request of News Corp unit  News International between April 2010 and last month,  parliamentarian Keith Vaz said on Monday.

Obama admin. sues to block Alabama immigration law

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – The Obama administration yesterday sued to block enforcement of Alabama’s new immigration  law, widely considered to be the toughest measure in the United  States to try to crack down on illegal immigrants.

Venezuela’s Chavez loses hair from chemotherapy

CARACAS,  (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez  appeared on television yesterday with his head closely shaved  and bald patches from hair loss caused by chemotherapy for a  cancer that has slowed him ahead of a re-election bid.

Gaddafi thanks Venezuela’s Chavez for support

CARACAS, (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez  yesterday read excerpts of a letter sent to him by Libya’s  Muammar Gaddafi expressing gratitude for strong support during  the NATO-backed rebellion against his government.

Syrians mark bleak Ramadan after 80 killed in Hama

AMMAN, (Reuters) – Syrians began the Muslim Ramadan  fast in sombre mood today after troops stormed into Hama,  scene of a 1982 massacre, in one of the bloodiest days of a  five-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

US military chief cites progress against Haqqanis

KABUL,  (Reuters) – The top U.S. military officer  said on Sunday Afghan militants of the anti-American Haqqani  network were finding it harder to move into Afghanistan but  warned that their safe havens in Pakistan still posed a risk to  the decade-old war effort.

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