
Otto Perez
Otto Perez

Return of Guatemalan military looms as left falters

GUATEMALA CITY,  (Reuters) – The uphill struggle of Guatemala’s ruling leftists to field a candidate puts the  military establishment on the verge of regaining the presidency  just as probes into the country’s brutal civil war begin.

NYC hospital use palm scans to identify patients

NEW YORK, (Reuters Life!) – A New York City  hospital has stopped asking many patients to dig out health  insurance cards and fill in endless forms, instead identifying  them by scanning the unique lattice of veins in their palm.

Flu “super antibody” may bring universal shot closer

LONDON, (Reuters) – Scientists have found a flu  “super antibody” called FI6 that can fight all types of  influenza A viruses that cause disease in humans and animals and  say their discovery may be a turning point in the development of  new flu treatments.

U.S. lawmakers weigh value of development aid

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – Trimming U.S. funding to  the World Bank and other global lenders would reduce American  influence in developing countries and give China a competitive  edge, lawmakers were told yesterday.

Delay in debt plan vote stokes U.S. uncertainty

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – The U.S. Congress and world  markets faced more uncertainty yesterday as Republican leaders  delayed action on a plan to raise the government’s $14.3  trillion borrowing limit, narrowing the chances for a deal to  avert a debt default.

Moroccan military plane crash kills 78 -military

RABAT,  (Reuters) – At least 78 people were killed yesterday when a Moroccan military transport plane crashed into a  mountain in the south of the country during bad weather, the  military said in a statement carried by the state news agency.

A picture of Anders Behring Breivik taken from a book downloaded from a link posted on the Norwegian discussion website,, and entitled “2083 - A European Declaration of Independence”, is seen in this screen grab made July 23, 2011. (Reuters/Andrew Berwick via Alister Doyle and Terje Solsvik )

Norway police see attacker as probably alone

OSLO (Reuters) – Norway’s police believe Anders Behring Breivik probably acted alone in killing 76 people last Friday, and Norwegians united in revulsion against the worst attack in the Nordic nation since World War Two.

Anders Behring Breivik

Norway massacre exposes incendiary immigration issue

OSLO, (Reuters) – Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik  said he killed 93 people to spark a “revolution” against the  multiculturalism he believed was sapping Europe’s heritage, and  experts say a frank debate about immigration may be the best way  to prevent similar explosions of violence.

Hotel maid in Strauss-Kahn case speaks out

NEW YORK, (Reuters) – The New York hotel maid who  accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempting  to rape her said in an interview published on Newsweek’s  website yesterday that he appeared as a “crazy man” and  attacked her when she entered his room.

China sacks 3 senior officials after train crash

WENZHOU, China, (Reuters) –     China sacked three  senior railway officials yesterday after a collision between two  high-speed trains killed at least 35 people and raised new  questions about the safety of the fast-growing rail network.

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