
Jose  de Jesus Mendez
Jose de Jesus Mendez

Mexico captures ‘La Familia’ drug boss

MEXICO CITY, (Reuters) – Mexican police captured  the suspected leader of a cult-like drug cartel yesterday in  the latest blow to a gang that was until recently one of the  most notorious in the country.

Millions still die due to lack of midwives – UN

LONDON (Reuters) – More investment in midwifery could save many of the millions of babies and hundreds of thousands of women who still die every year because of a lack of skilled healthcare during childbirth, the United Nations said yesterday.

At least 44 killed in Russian plane crash

MOSCOW (Reuters) – At least 44 people were killed when a passenger plane broke up and caught fire on coming into land in heavy fog in north-western Russia, an Emergency Ministry spokeswoman said today.

Ban Ki-moon

Ban seen as US ally, shoo-in for new term

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon may have almost blown his chances for re-election by antagonizing Moscow over the Balkans in 2008 but he has since focused on pleasing the United States, Russia and other big UN powers, making his re-election today a certainty.

Hopes fading for climate agreement

BONN, Germany, (Reuters) – “Ask for a camel when you  expect to get a goat,” runs a Somali saying that sums up the  fading of ambitions for United Nations talks on slowing climate  change — aim high, but settle for far less.

Reuters World News Highlights

TRIPOLI – NATO admitted yesterday that its weapons destroyed  a house in Tripoli in which Libyan officials said nine civilians  were killed, an incident likely to sow new doubts inside the  alliance about its mission in Libya.

Marilyn Monroe ‘subway’ dress sells for $4.6 mln

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.,  (Reuters) – The pleated  ivory dress that blew around Marilyn Monroe in an iconic scene  from “The Seven Year Itch” sold for $4.6 million at a weekend  auction of Hollywood costumes — far exceeding its estimate.

Afghan leader says US in contact with Taliban

KABUL (Reuters) – The United States is in contact with the Taliban about a possible settlement to the war in Afghanistan, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said yesterday, the first official confirmation of US involvement in negotiations.

Libyan rebels blame West for lack of cash

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – Rebels waging a drawn-out war to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have run out of money, their oil chief said yesterday, and he accused the West of failing to keep its promises of urgent financial aid.

Obama, Boehner team up in golf match

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama and Republican House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner teamed up in a golf match yesterday to try to build a friendlier climate for troubled talks on the US debt and deficits.

Syria forces storm border town near Turkey

AMMAN (Reuters) – Syrian troops and gunmen loyal to President Bashar al-Assad stormed a town near the Turkish border yesterday, burning houses and arresting dozens, witnesses said, in a persistent military campaign to crush popular revolt.

Pope dismays anti-Mafia activists on Sicily visit

PALERMO, Sicily, (Reuters) – Pope Benedict said yesterday the Mafia represented “a path of death” that Sicily’s  young should shun but he dismayed activists who said he was too  timid and should have given the crime group a moral hammering.

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