
All change in 2023?

So here we are at the start of a new year, although just how new it will be for most of us remains to be seen. 

Oil money and poverty

Here we are about to enter the New Year with one of the highest poverty rates in Latin America, according to a World Bank report in October.


At the end of October, one imagines after much debate, the principals at Collins Dictionary chose permacrisis as its word of the year 2022.


Is there any such thing as luck? Or is it just a myth?

GPF statistics and plans

The Guyana Police Force was upbeat last week about its pre-Christmas statistical announcements, although this time, perhaps, there was some cause for the officers to indulge themselves with a measure of modest satisfaction.

The great decoupling and friend-shoring

In a speech before the Atlantic Council in April, United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen used the term friend-shoring to describe America’s interest “in working with countries that “have strong adherence to a set of norms and values about how to operate in the global economy and about how to run the global economic system….”

Racial hostility and the Mayor

Following a meeting with former PPP/C heads of state held shortly after President Irfaan Ali’s accession to office he was reported by the Department of Public Information as saying: “The whole issue of National Unity, how do we achieve national unity, were discussed … How do we look for example at the Racial Hostility Act to make it stronger with greater penalties for those who are bent on creating mischief and dividing our people?”

Fast food

Even as local enterprises like the Backyard Cafe with its market tours and fresh-cooked meals, and the Pandama Retreat with its ‘Luv in a Calabash’ and fruit wines among others, go all out to foster food culture and promote food tourism, Guyanese palates are constantly being lured by foreign fast-food franchises.

Too many guns

The dicey subject of firearms was, once again, on the front burner of a heated public debate last week following the involvement of a gun in the suspected murder/suicide of a couple in their early 30s at Belle West, Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara.

The State House incident and information

In times when it has become altogether commonplace for even some of the most seemingly inconsequential occurrences to become deluged by an avalanche of public speculation, we cannot honestly feign surprise over the surfeit of public chatter that has attended the events that occurred at State House early last Thursday morning.

Keep voting as simple as possible

In recent weeks a variety of suggestions have arisen for modernising voting on polling day so that ostensibly the casting of a ballot will occur faster and results will be made available quicker.

Sale of Marriott

The government through its holding company NICIL is now seeking expressions of interest for the sale of its shares in the Marriott Hotel.

That speedboat strike

A strike by speedboat operators crossing the Demerara River started on Friday December 9th as part of their long running demands for a price increase on the $100 fare frozen for eight years.

The Mayor and the vendors

On Wednesday Mayor Ubraj Narine along with MP Sherod Duncan were escorted to the Brickdam Police Station and charged with attempting to excite hostility or ill will on the ground of race, using a computer system in an attempt to excite ethnic division on the ground of race and obstructing traffic.

Make safety the mission

The announcement by President Irfaan Ali on Sunday that 150 homes were to be constructed for vulnerable members of the  population across the country, by members of an initiative dubbed Men on Mission which he leads, was deserving of plaudits.

Our songwriter

Last Saturday, at the 56th University of Guyana Convocation Ceremony, internationally renowned musician and songwriter David Anthony Martins, founder of the famous Tradewinds band, was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate of Letters.

Our agro-processing ‘surge’

Back in February of this year the Ministry of Agriculture issued a media release asserting that farmers and agro processors would “benefit from lucrative markets this year.”

The GECOM Chair’s testimony

At the height of the elections shenanigans in March of 2020 it had become obvious that the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh had failed comprehensively to execute her mandate.

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