
A House divided

The United States of America, one of the leading economic and political players on the world stage will, in four years, celebrate 250 years as an independent nation.

Climate Change: Time to draw a line in the sand

Ongoing media coverage of the devastatingly destructive outbreaks of fires in wooded parts of those regions resulting from what we are told are record temperature rises this summer, have added a further dimension to what has been, for some time, one of the most reported-on issues on the agenda of the international media.

Dion Bascom’s allegations

While stunning in their scale, the allegations levelled by police detective Dion Bascom in relation to the murder of Ricardo Fagundes outside of Palm Court on March 21st 2021 were not surprising.

Road signage and safety

A remarkable aspect of the country’s road system is the almost complete absence of signage to encourage safer and more sociable driving or even to give directions to a particular town or place. 

Chinese Landing Part 2

Anyone who thought Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai could be depended upon to work in the interest of an Indigenous community blighted by the presence of illegal miners, should think again. 


There were two recent occurrences, both reported in the media,  that sit firmly on the incredulity scale.

Non-Aligned Conference

Fifty years ago this week, the then fledgling Cooperative Republic of Guyana attracted the world’s attention when it hosted its largest international event to date.

Getting the 25 x 2025 challenge going

As the issue of global food security comes into sharper focus in the wake of the seemingly never-ending food-related crises in some regions of the world which have been accentuated by the Russia/Ukraine hostilities, it is entirely appropriate that we in the Caribbean pay keener attention to our own circumstances.

Dredging and the fishermen

It becomes clearer with each passing day that nothing will be allowed to stand in the way of the bullet train-like development of the oil and gas sector.


Most readers of this newspaper’s editorials cannot meaningfully appreciate the struggles of a working class mother to feed, clothe and house herself and her children in current times.

Shaking hands

Overseas the news is grim. War in Ukraine, world food shortages, soaring energy prices, inflation, substantial cost-of-living increases and the like.

Silica City

The first solid plans for President Irfaan Ali’s envisioned Silica City were ventilated at this year’s building expo, held at the National Stadium, Providence, late last month.

Lingering cloud

Last week Sunday, 24th July, the curtains came down on the 18th edition of the IAAF World Athletic Championships (WAC) Oregon22, staged at the famous Hayward Field, at the University of Oregon, USA.


Last week President Ali discovered what his predecessors before him always knew:  there is nothing like an official visit abroad to boost morale, massage the ego and provide a feel-good infusion for the spirit.

Local Content and the Labour Force

Back in February 2021 President Ali told a local content forum that “While it [oil and gas] will be one critically targeted area, the local content policy is one that will cover every sector of the country.

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