Blind loyalty
Loyalty can be viewed as one of the major contributing elements which hold together friendships, marriages, families, clans, organisations, societies, nations and regions in difficult times.
Loyalty can be viewed as one of the major contributing elements which hold together friendships, marriages, families, clans, organisations, societies, nations and regions in difficult times.
A professional Police Force can only be said to be discharging its responsibilities when it is perceived by the citizenry, as a whole, to be functioning in a manner that is even-handed, without prejudice, unshackled by the taint of corruption and perhaps above everything else, when it is free of the restraints of political direction.
In these columns, we have lamented previously that in relation to the oil and gas industry and particularly in its regulation, the government has conducted itself as if it was one of the partners of ExxonMobil in the Stabroek Block rather than operating as the custodian of all of the interests of the country and its people and the upholder of relevant laws.
The ceremonial opening of the April assizes was held the week before last after a two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic.
Some Caricom Heads including President Irfaan Ali did not recognise that the war in Ukraine had global implications which went well beyond what they perceived to be their national interest in economic or localised political terms.
Over the last week, local social media pages have been filled with reactions to a video, reportedly of a father physically abusing his adult daughter, that has gone viral.
The phrase ‘old school’ is loosely bandied around today by the younger generation, often as an accolade after a spectacular display or performance of a seemingly impossible feat by a sportsman/woman.
The differing voting dispositions among member countries of CARICOM in the matter of whether or not Russia should be suspended from the United Nations Human Rights Council, having regard to its current invasion of Ukraine, is a reflection of the fact that however much we in the Caribbean talk about the desirability of coordinating our respective foreign policies, that imperative will remain, at least for the foreseeable future, subsumed beneath the reality of perceived national interest.
On March 28th, the Office of the President issued a release in which it was stated that President Ali had appointed Deputy Commissioner of Police, Clifton Hicken to act in the Office of the Commissioner of Police.
Where international affairs are concerned consensus in Caricom is hard to come by.
It is hard to see a way forward for GuySuCo. From an output of 331,000 tons in 2002 to 58,000 in 2021, central government subsidies to the corporation now exceed total revenues.
Today has been designated a National Day of Fasting and Prayers.
Last month, Mexico announced the intent to create, in its capital, what would be the world’s largest solar farm to date.
Two weekends ago celebrations erupted across the Caribbean as the West Indies defeated England in the Third Test at St George’s in Grenada, to win the series 1 – 0, and secure the first lien on the Botham-Richards Trophy.
It was always likely that the widely expected appointment of recently promoted Deputy Com-missioner of Police Mr.
Not for the first time in its tenure the PPP/C government is facing questions about the conduct of one of its senior officials, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall.
No one can depend on Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo to express himself in a statesmanlike fashion on public occasions.
Like many countries, Guyana is a land of several divides – the most obvious being one of race, a tragic legacy of empire and a subject thoroughly discussed over the years.
When Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine on the 24th February the world changed irrevocably.
On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health announced that Dr Timothy Morgan, former coordinator of its Mental Health Unit, had replaced Dr Util Thomas as its head, following an evaluation of the unit’s work.
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