Letters to the Editor

There is hubris in the halls of political power

Dear Editor, PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar’s comment in response to the shenanigans of one of its own, that the PPP is not a party that would kill people for the first mistake they make, is facetious, sanctimonious, and utterly mind-boggling.

A garbage-filled Christmas in NA

Dear Editor, Stinking garbage, broken bottles, Styrofoam boxes, paper, plastic and more greeted visitors to the town of New Amsterdam bright and early Christmas morning, as Main Street was transformed from the activities the night before.

Minister Lall’s behaviour should not be treated lightly

Dear Editor, Reference is made to PPP General Secretary Donald Ramotar’s statement that “We [the PPP] are not a party that would just kill people for the first mistake that they make,” (SN, 25.12.07) in response to Minister Kellawan Lall’s gun-touting behaviour.

Make Christmas for the children

Dear Editor, “The party’s on, the feeling’s here, that only comes this time of year, we’re simply having a wonderful Christmas time” are the words of the Sir Paul McCartney carol Wonderful Christmastime.

The wife is alive

Dear Editor, I refer to the article captioned “At Chateau Margot, man kills self after chopping wife” (07.12.19).

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