Letters to the Editor

The rivers in Guyana are sub-tributaries of the mighty Amazon

Dear Editor, Some years back after doing some research. I found that all the rivers in Guyana are sub – tributaries of the ” Mighty Amazon ” hence when the Amazon is in its flooding season, which is now, since it is summer time in the Andes which is where the Amazon begins , it takes a month from the head before the waters reach the mouth of the Amazon where it deposits approximately three million tons of silt which is now on the shores of Guyana as a result of the ” Guyana current ” which flows from the east .

The State radio monopoly should be challenged

Dear Editor, On Tuesday, December 18, the Federal Communications Commission in the United States overturned a 32-year old ban against broadcasters being owners of newspapers, citing the decline in newspaper revenues due to a changing media market.

Swinging gradually to metric

Dear Editor, My interest was caught by the title of Evadnie Benfield’s letter: “The entire world is moving in the metric direction, Guyana needs to catch up” (SN 20th December, 2007).

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