Letters to the Editor

The PNCR must develop a strategy to attract disaffected Indian voters

Dear Editor, Mr. Tacuma Ogunseye’s captioned, “A multi-racial front against the government is not possible,” (07.10.02) raised an important issue that needs some serious debate that is, what approach the long overdue and inevitable mass protest action against the increasingly undemocratic nature of the current PPP administration should take.

Woolley House

Dear Editor, With reference to the article on QC’s upcoming school sports which was published in the October 4 edition of Stabroek News, we would like to offer a correction to the spelling of the name of one of the houses.

Equipment stolen from Guynec ground

Dear Editor, Visiting the El Dorado match between Berbice and Demerara at the Stadium on Sunday I was surprised to hear that equipment bought with Stanford funds was stolen from the Guynec Ground.

Sport Letter

Dear Editor, Why is the Kashif and Shanghai Organis- ation crying foul now that they may not be able to host their annual football competition this year?

Has there been ethnic discrimination by government in business dealings?

Dear Editor, Earlier this year, President Bharrat Jagdeo shocked the nation when he announced his government was going to dip into public funds and loan 168 million dollars to Buddy and amounts to other private business persons to expedite the completion of their construction projects related to Guyana’s hosting of CWC 2007.

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