Letters to the Editor

Some lives are cheaper than others

Dear Editor, I remember wondering as a boy, why newspaper stories of monsoons in India that killed 200 people took only a few lines while other stories where maybe one person died or perhaps a dog fell down a well, were given disproportionate prominence in the same newspaper.

Spirit of oneness in Washington DC

Dear Editor, The supreme gift of multi-ethnicity adds spice to flavour and in no ordinary way was this divine phenomenon more perfectly blended into a complete oneness than in Washington DC, on Saturday last, when Guyanese met, greeted, embraced and again endorsed the true sprit of our national motto of one people, one nation, and one destiny.

I did not take this Bill from the PNCR

Dear Editor, It has been brought to my attention that in a press release issued by the PNCR it has been alleged that the Freedom of Information Bill tabled by me in the National Assembly was in effect a bill that was to be tabled by the PNCR, which in effect I took away with me to the AFC.

Craft exhibitors stole the show

Dear Editor, On a brighter note, it was the local craft exhibitors who to my mind stole the show namely Jah Works and Burrowes School of Art graduate from a few years ago, Stonewall Michael who specialised in ceramics craft.

Separate basins

Dear Editor, Local news outlets must stop making headlines and captioning figures as the “Guyana/Suriname Basin” when referring to oil exploration in Guyana’s territory.

Cartoons and humour?

Dear Editor, Paul Harris should have let your comments (‘Cartoon was inappropriate’ SN, 25.9.07) associated with his cartoon (SN, 22.9.07) suffice.

‘Tara’ or ‘tarra’

Dear Editor, Many thanks to Ms Ameena Gafoor ( ‘Tarra tell tarra’ SN, 2.10.07) for exercising her vigilance on the question of tara (tarra).

The diaspora does care

Dear Editor, I read the recent letter by GHK Lall (‘A segment of the nation believes itself victimized and demonized’ SN, 2.10.07), written in very sophisticated language, stating that a section of the nation sees itself as being victimised and demonised, leaving it seething and burning with anger.

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