Letters to the Editor

Children take into their classrooms what they learn at home

Dear Editor, Those parents and others who are seeking for corporal punishment to be abolished should first take a look within their homes and see whether or not they are contributing to the kind of behaviour that warrants corporal punishment, which means whipping, or other disciplinary measures that will help the child or children put away unacceptable behaviours.

Sport Letter

Dear Editor, The participation of Trinidad’s professional side Joe Public, the eventual winner of the 17th edition of the annual Kashif and Shangai Knockout Tournament, had brought a new dimension to local club football, and an extremely high degree of professionalism.

Anticipating World Cup problems will help prevention

Dear Editor, Mr. Clarke’s letter captioned “These international events will test the nation’s character” (07.01.11) is on target when he calls for better standards of behaviour and greater effort from all Guyanese to make the upcoming international events a success and not a black mark on Guyana.

We will miss Pandit Gossai

Dear Editor, We felt a mixture of joy and emotion for this Hindu icon Shri Prakashji or Guruji as he is commonly called by his ardent followers when he was accepting a proclamation from the Congressmen of the city of New York and best wishes from a number of highly recognized organizations including GOPIO and ICC and well wishers for taking up a mandate he was offered to serve the people of Guyana in the capacity as advisor to the president.

There should be an inquiry into timber pricing as Minister Robert Persaud had promised

Dear Editor, Vivek Persaud writes in his letter captioned “There is ansolutely no evidence of transfer pricing of timber” (07.01.11) in terms which are eerily reminiscent of the export log industry in Papua New Guinea (PNG) at the time of the judicial inquiry (Supreme Court Judge Tos Barnett’s 1987-9 “Commission of Inquiry into Aspects of the Timber Industry in Papua New Guinea”).

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