Letters to the Editor

The Aryan Heresy

Dear Editor, Is Dr. John Fredericks saying that the controversy in the primitive church surrounding the Divinity of Christ was settled by a majority vote?

VAT must be given a chance to work

Dear Editor, Firstly I must commend the Commissioner General for the milestone achievement of Guyana’s tax history, VAT, which I see will benefit everyone one of us once the teething effects are over, and the issue of price gouging by some unscrupulous businesses is gone.

Children take into their classrooms what they learn at home

Dear Editor, Those parents and others who are seeking for corporal punishment to be abolished should first take a look within their homes and see whether or not they are contributing to the kind of behaviour that warrants corporal punishment, which means whipping, or other disciplinary measures that will help the child or children put away unacceptable behaviours.

Sport Letter

Dear Editor, The participation of Trinidad’s professional side Joe Public, the eventual winner of the 17th edition of the annual Kashif and Shangai Knockout Tournament, had brought a new dimension to local club football, and an extremely high degree of professionalism.

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