Letters to the Editor

Sport Letter

Dear Editor, I have been authorized by Mr. Clive Lloyd to issue this statement on his behalf: ‘I wish to refer to the Stabroek News article captioned “Politics could deny Windies a team director” which appeared in the Tuesday, October 6 issue of your newspaper and which was written by Mr.

The authorities chose to ignore the water problem

Dear Editor, The recent protest action by students of my alma mater, President’s College, was the culmination of what I consider to be the emergent neglect of the institution by the relevant authorities- a realization I struggle to accept given my splendid years at the college.

Those who hold on to the past and blame it for their misfortune should look for ways to better themselves

Dear Editor, Ms Niacelis Williams’s mention of ”Guyana’s menfolk’ and their unacceptable behaviour towards women’ together with ‘we in the Caribbean bear the legacy of being commodified, negated, dehumanized by the colonizer, but we carry scars that go much deeper: the scars of self-contempt’ needs to be clearly looked at before one can truly understand which menfolk/women she is actually talking about.

This ad is not conducive to literacy

Dear Editor, The negative and positive effects of open and direct advertisements are well known but very often the dangers of the concealed or deceptive advertisement which carries subliminal or hidden messages go unnoticed.

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