Letters to the Editor

A question of self contempt

Dear Editor, In one of his most loved pieces, Guyana’s poet laureate, Martin Carter, speaks of “leaping from the oppressor’s hate and the scorn of myself”.

Man picked up and held incommunicado

Dear Editor, Paul Thom a young man residing in Linden was picked up by the police on Monday October 1, from the house he was staying with his reputed wife and child (baby) for questioning on reported lost items.

Steve’s Jewellery cricket competition launched

As part of its continued efforts to have all eligible cricketers in Georgetown partake in the game if they so desire, the Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) in collaboration with Steve’s Jewellery World launched its Over-40 cricket competition at the Demerara Cricket Club pavilion on Tuesday.

This charge of unbecoming behaviour cannot stand

Dear Editor, In Miranda La Rose’s article headlined, “PNCR levels 11 misconduct charges against Mc Allister” (SN 07-10-02) it was stated that “The final charge was that at a meeting held at the party’s regional office in Region Three (West Demerara/Essequibo Islands) on August 14 where Corbin along with ‘Officers of that Region’ and party functionaries met to discuss the proposed house-to-house registration, McAllister ‘refused to stand for the recital of the party’s prayer and the National Pledge; remaining seated while others stood; thus displaying disrespect’ for the prayer, pledge, and Corbin.”

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