Letters to the Editor

President Jagdeo deserves two more terms

Dear Editor, On behalf of all Essequibians I congratulate His Excellency President Bharrat Jagdeo for taking the bold step of going to the UN tribunal on the law of the Sea to resolve the Guyana – Suriname border dispute.

Sixth Street Cummings Lodge is in a terrible state

Dear Editor, I write about the deplorable state of one of the most important streets in my village of Cummings Lodge, Sixth Street, which is one of the two access roads to the University of Guyana which lies along the route used by the minibuses serving Ogle, Industry and Cummings Lodge.


Dear Editor, Thank you for affording me the opportunity to make a response to the letter written by B S Persaud, captioned “Six year wait for word on Pomeroon land” (07.10.03).

I welcome the new security firm at UG

Dear Editor, I Jason Benjamin Presidential Candidate, Standard Bearers Party (SBP), for the UGSS elections 2007/2008 wish to congratulate the new security firm, Securicor, on its embarkation on the prestigious institution’s soil (UG).

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