Letters to the Editor

‘Tara’ or ‘tarra’

Dear Editor, Many thanks to Ms Ameena Gafoor ( ‘Tarra tell tarra’ SN, 2.10.07) for exercising her vigilance on the question of tara (tarra).

The diaspora does care

Dear Editor, I read the recent letter by GHK Lall (‘A segment of the nation believes itself victimized and demonized’ SN, 2.10.07), written in very sophisticated language, stating that a section of the nation sees itself as being victimised and demonised, leaving it seething and burning with anger.

An official admission of the inadequacy of the police is the first step in a ‘Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats’ analysis

Dear Editor, Many who contribute to the rich discourse and interaction which your column facilitates, are not quite as adept with the cultural nuances of law enforcement organizations as my dear friend Mr Robert Gates (‘Did not claim to be able to do the work of police’ SN, 26.9.07) and Mr Berkeley Van Bowen (‘Comment could exacerbate morale problem in the police force’ SN, 27.9.07), just to name two.

‘Stabroek News paints a one-sided picture’

Dear Editor, The Stabroek News would most likely argue that the media is a link between the people and the government and as such the newspaper is well within its rights to highlight the negatives in Guyana’s society.

Congratulations to new Chief of Staff

Dear Editor, I congratulate the newly appointed Chief of Staff Commodore Gary Best on his promotion to the rank of Commodore, and on his appointment as Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force.

Thanks to GT&T

Dear Editor, We the residents of Good Hope Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara would like to thank the management and staff of GT&T – especially those at the BV exchange for giving us the much needed landline telephone in our area.

Faith is the decisive element behind Gandhi

Dear Editor, One person recently said to me that this fasting should be embraced by the United Nations in order for humanity to return to its roots of community living and empathising with the less fortunate.

Seventy-one inquests have been held between 2006 and now

Dear Editor, With reference to the caption in the Sunday Stabroek dated September, 23, 2007 (‘Human rights body presses for restart of coroner’s in-quests’) I wish to inform you that from 2006 to the present 71 inquests were held by magistrates in Guyana.

‘Tarra tell tarra’

Dear Editor, The history of contemporary Guyana is still to be written and I agree entirely that we should press on in pursuit of the truth, possibly through first-person testimonies of those who suffered or those who were close enough to the many victims and witnessed the traumas of our post-colonial period.

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