Letters to the Editor

UG students should be more active

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter written by Professor Seelochan Beharry in Stabroek News, captioned; ‘UG does not contribute to national debates on any issue,’ dated September 20, 2007.

School farms should be restarted

Dear Editor, One of my hobbies is farming. I learnt to appreciate Agricultural Science to a large extent when I was a student at Ann’s Grove Methodist School (now Ann’s Grove Community High School).

Dust and noise nuisance from a cement operation

Dear Editor, I have made several complains to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the police at the Anna Regina Police Station about an ongoing dust and noise nuisance from a cement bond at Cotton Field, Essequibo Coast.

Sheep stolen from police station compound

Dear Editor, A poor man was astonished to learn a few days ago that his ram sheep was stolen from the Suddie Police station compound which could well be regarded as the best place for safe keeping.

Is Stabroek News changing its reason?

Dear Editor, It seems that every time that Mr David de Caires, Editor-in-Chief of the Stabroek News seeks to reinforce his claim that the reduction of advertisements in his newspaper was due to a political decision, the claim becomes weaker and weaker.

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