Letters to the Editor

What is expected of Shri Prakash Gossai?

Dear Editor, While one must agree with Parvati Persaud-Edwards’s aspiration to reach the realms of humanity of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi- (her letter “Shri Prakash Gossai can make a contribution” [07.01.25]) two weaknesses in her argumentation should be noticed.

More Notaries needed in region 2

Dear Editor, More appointments for Notaries Public are urgently needed in Region #2 which stretches from Pomeroon to Supenaam with a population of some ten thousand residents.

The USA must vote for builders not wreckers

Dear Editor, Watching the CBS news recently and seeing how Toyota is out-selling American cars and how Japanese vehicles and other domestic machines are more in demand I have come to realize that in 1945 when the USA bombed Japan with weapons of mass destruction Japan lost the military war.

Regional Councillors should be paid so they can do their jobs properly

Dear Editor, Those councillors who are selected to serve on the Regional Democratic Councils in different regions on behalf of their political party are expected to attend every Regional Democratic Council meeting in their respective regions to discuss the economic development of their region, and to ensure that things are implemented in accordance with the demand.

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