Issue numbers to passport applicants as they enter
Dear Editor, I have recently had occasion to make visits to the passport office and the NIS.
Dear Editor, I have recently had occasion to make visits to the passport office and the NIS.
Dear Editor, Please poll the Guyanese populace to see what percentage believe Hammie Green’s recent statement on the guns issued to the government that he was a part of.
Dear Editor, People should not be confused with the music/melody of a song and the language in which the lyrics are sung.
Dear Editor, We have moved from the politics of rigged elections to the politics of narcotics and the gun.
Dear Editor, I completely agree with the sentiments of Eric Phillips expressed in his letter, “The Church needs to regain it’s moral compass” (08.01.23).
Dear Editor, Maybe three or four years ago, President Bharrat Jagdeo invited Guyanese to join him in a national conversation on national issues.
Dear Editor, When the PPP/C Government was democratically elected to office in 1992 after 28 years of PNC domination, why didn’t they then initiate an investigation into the weapons issued by the GDF to the Ministry of Mobilization and National Development between 1976 and 1979 when the facts and circumstances were fresh in everyone’s mind and the ink was still wet on the GDF records?
Dear Editor, Apparently businesses continue in their efforts to flout the tax laws and rip off consumers.
Dear Editor, The public and the private sectors of Guyana do not have scope for innovative and highly qualified individuals so I ended up in rice cultivation.
Dear Editor, I refer to the letter by Mr George Cave captioned “Promotions of head teachers, deputies have been made” (08.01.21).
Dear Editor, I refer to your report on the erosion of the embankment near the Rupert Craig highway.
Dear Editor, It seems as though some GT&T C-Point vendors are ignorant of the “Top Up with a $100” promotion that is currently going on.
Dear Editor, I recently noticed that a group of eminent Caribbean personalities are asking for public consultations on the EPA (and other important regional issues) with the EU and are in support of President Jagdeo’s assertions about the bullying tactics used.The
Dear Editor, I agree with Mr Beni Sankar that something must be wrong because the rice price locally should not have climbed by so much in the past year.
Dear Editor, President Jagdeo and the PPP regime seem not to care about the future of our young people…no wonder this nursery school which is located in Roxanne Burnham Gardens is in this condition.
Dear Editor, It has been said that if a frog is dropped into a pot of hot water, it will immediately jump out.
Dear Editor, Today in England more than 17,000 policemen and women went on a protest march in central London to protest their government’s refusal to honour the arbitration award in relation to their salary increases.
Dear Editor, Barack Obama is a charismatic, articulate man but I have a feeling that Hillary Clinton will eventually get the nomination.
Dear Editor, Barbadians have shown the rest of the Caribbean how to regularly change their government.
Dear Editor, Recently the Human Resources Department (HRD) of GPL met with some staff members and informed them that they (staff members) had monies paid to them in their salaries to which they were not entitled.
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