Letters to the Editor

VAT will be harder to administer than the C-Tax

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter by Mr Khurshid Sattaur, the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority captioned “The Guyana Revenue Authority has made improvements in tax collection over the years and will implement VAT efficiently” in response to my letter captioned “The GRA couldn’t administer the Consumption Tax so how will it administer the VAT.”

Why should a foreign company be allowed to manage such a large portion of the national production forest with so few benefits to the nation?

Dear Editor, I read with interest the letters captioned “Guyana’s forestry resources are being plundered for little gain” and “Barama introduced modern techniques of forest management to the declining forest industry in Guyana” (07.01.18) as well as the report headlined “Barama certificate for good forestry suspended” on the same date.

Thousands of African students study in India

Dear Editor, Colin Bascom in his letter captioned :Our relations with India should not be at the expense of our core values as a nation” (07.01.17), attacked me as “Cheerleader-in-Chief” of promoting closer relations with India.

VAT and other policies have been imposed by the IMF

Dear Editor, I am surprised the opposition leader and the trade unionists haven’t been able to identify the hand behind most of Guyana’s economic problems and which contributes to the deteriorating social and crime problems in the country.

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