Letters to the Editor

Several daily blackouts in Berbice

Dear Editor, Berbicians for the past couple of weeks have been getting rolling blackouts throughout the day and various areas for several hours each afternoon way into the night.

The Irish took St Patrick’s Day to America

Dear Editor, Forbes Burnham removed elements of colonialism by quickly having us attain republican status and contributed to our rich cultural diversity by awarding holiday status to our main religious denominations so as to celebrate major aspects of their religion.That

The role of the IMF must not be forgotten

Dear Editor, Some letter writers seem to be obsessed with the 28 years of PNC rule, they never mention the role the IMF played in the economic problems of most developing countries during the 70s and 80s.

Collie Buddz failed to ‘Come Around’

When the Bermudan born, marijuana endorsing Collie Buddz ‘Finally Come Around’ for the Guyana Music Festival two Saturdays ago, he was a mere shadow of the excessively cool, crisp, hauntingly sexy, reggae star we had grown accustomed to seeing on television.

This was not a proper meeting of the Academic Board

Dear Editor, I begin my reply to Mr. Al Creighton’s letter captioned “This letter was not authorized by UGWU and UGSS; as for the Berbice Campus, Director Thakur has no authority to hire new lecturers” (07.11.08) by repeating the call made in my letter of the same date in SN – let’s go in front of an audience and debate the UG crisis.

Cummings Lodge road has been repaired

Dear Editor, Myself and many residents are sincerely grateful for the repairs that were carried out on the sixth street Cummings Lodge and all the remaining streets in Industry Housing Scheme and Ogle.

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