Letters to the Editor

Pandit not Pundit

Dear Editor, I’ve appreciated seasoned traveller and acute Guyanese observer, Vishnu Bisram’s insights, reports, and letters.

It’s enough to make you ill

Dear Editor, Is there another country on planet earth where the mere sight of a Guyana Power and Light bill (GPL Bill) increases hypertension, diarrhoea, heart attacks and other unpleasant response except Guyana, the land of many waters that should have been generating electricity at the minimum rate.

Red Thread is not “of” the WPA

Dear Editor, Other Red Thread members are in the process of responding to the VAT-related points made in the letter by Commissioner-General Sattaur published in the Chronicle on Tuesday, January 16 and in the Stabroek News on Wednesday, January 17.

The pole was moved the same day

Dear Editor, Many thanks for publishing the letter captioned “This rotten electricity pole can fall at any time” (07.01.03) and for sending a copy of the letter to Guyana Power and Light.

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