Letters to the Editor

GECOM chairperson`s action was ultra vires

Dear Editor, Having read GECOM`s release in response to an article carried in Kaieteur News on Friday, January 20, 2023 under the caption: “GECOM Chair goes it alone”, I wish to make the following observations.

Show the true meaning of the Five Cs of driving

Dear Editor, It’s clear that the Five Cs of Driving: care, caution, consideration, common sense & courtesy on our roadways have been replaced with a new set of Cs: carelessness, caustic, contentious, callousness & cuss-out.

Difficult to understand

Dear Editor, From a layperson perspective it is difficult to understand how a person can be seconded, in an acting capacity, to a position not on the establishment or organization chart?

Who awarded the contract?

Dear Editor, Poor work by a contractor has led to severe flooding and brought untold misery and inconvenience to citizens in wards in south Georgetown. 

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