Letters to the Editor

I hope to see a Diwali Village

Dear Editor, It is with optimism and enthusiasm that I write to commend the government’s efforts in promoting social cohesion, evident through diverse initiatives such as “Men on Mission,” “Christmas Village,” and “Ramadan Village,” which began under the leadership of former President David Granger.

Time for Jagdeo to go

Dear Editor, It is time for Bharrat Jagdeo to go.  He is wasting time, distorting lines, pretending to wisdom with this sacred oil patrimony. 

We are discouraging future generations from entering the teaching profession

Dear Editor, One of the outcomes of treating teachers with disrespect (the syllable spec, means to really see, as for example, in inspect) both by way of remuneration and how they are treated, is that we are discouraging future generations from entering the teaching profession — even before learning whether they have a calling for teaching.

Tacky and disingenuous by GTT

Dear Editor, The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company is increasingly being perceived as a tacky company offering third rate services at high costs to consumers.

Monar and the logies

Dear Editor, The passing of Rooplall Monar (1945-2024) brings us almost to the end of the line of those who wrote about the Indians on the sugar plantations as a “lived experience”.

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