Dear Editor,
On Friday August 17th, the Stabroek News published a letter by Business Minister Gaskin titled, `Mr Hinds completely omitted the profit sharing component of the Esso deal’.
Dear Editor,
I have noticed a recent release from the government announcing “Hinterland Consultations on the Green State Development Strategy starts this week”.
Dear Editor,
I refer to the headline titled, `Gov’t won’t be ‘intoxicated’ by oil, Granger says – international best principles for government sector’ (SN August 18).
Dear Editor,
Like what I suspect would be the view of the majority of Guyanese, I welcome the news that a delegation including nine members of the United States Congress would be visiting Guyana shortly.
Dear Editor,
WPA notes the flurry of responses in the media to its proposal to use part of Guyana’s imminent oil revenues as cash transfers to households.
In the course of reportage on the food bill for sittings of the National Assembly, it has been confirmed that alcohol is being served in the House to Members of Parliament.
Dear Editor,
On Tuesday last (13th inst.,), along with other Guyanese, I read in the Letters Page of SN a scurrilous contribution impugning the character of Sir Shridath Ramphal, Guyana’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs and the former Secretary General of the Commonwealth.
Dear Editor,
I refer to a letter from the Junior Minister of Finance Jaipaul Sharma, in the August 17th edition of the Stabroek News, captioned “WPA’s nonsensical proposal for cash transfers comes on the back of the miserable failure of its members to deliver in the gov’t.”
Dear Editor,
In admonishing Dr. Clive Thomas and the Working People’s Alliance on the issue of cash transfers to the poorer sectors of our society, Junior Minister of Finance, and leader of the Justice for All Party, Jaipaul Sharma, said that the “previous PPP/C government mismanaged our country’s natural resources and allowed foreign institutions and forces to misguide and manipulate our economic policies and programme by adopting foreign ideologies”.
Dear Editor,
The consultancy services contract for the feasibility study and design of the proposed new Demerara Harbour Bridge is the latest procurement vulgarity to ensnare this government.
Dear Editor,
It is about time the Ministry of Public Infrastructure fix the numerous traffic lights in and around the city which are not working properly and are a traffic menace.
Dear Editor,
Having been a longstanding member of the YSM and the PNC, it gives me a sense of pride and satisfaction when another person who has his/her roots in the YSM is elevated to high office.
Dear Editor,
With the MoE and teachers at an impasse over salary increases, and the Ministry’s claim of no money, I wish to suggest that monies from that exorbitant food bill be used to pay the teachers their increases.