
We should focus on how small businesses can benefit even more from Exxon and its contractors

Dear Editor, Analyzing mainstream and social media reactions to the release of the ‘local content’ list for ExxonMobil and its contractors for the 1st quarter of 2018, very clear conclusions can be drawn among which is the fact that different benchmarks are used to determine what constitutes ‘local content’ as opposed what may be considered by some as small-scale, indirect product and service provision.

The post of Chief Fire Officer was deleted

Dear Editor, SN’s very thoughtful Editorial of Friday June 8, 2018 titled ‘Improved Facilities for Fire Service’ touched an old (raw) nerve; for it’s a decade or more since I have attempted to bring attention to the indifference with which such a critical service as the Guyana Fire Service is treated.

The Bee Hive incident

When public officers who knowingly place themselves in harm’s way in pursuit of enforcement of the law are harmed or come under attack from those whose criminal pursuits they seek to deter, not only do law-abiding citizens have a duty to roundly condemn such acts and to insist that the perpetrators are determinedly ferreted out and suitably punished, but the state itself has an obligation to place every available resource at the disposal of the effort to hunt down and apprehend the guilty parties.

The Esso list and local content

As the government inches along with presenting the final draft of its local content policy (LCP)  for the oil and gas sector, it released from its major operator thus far, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) a list of 227 goods and services suppliers utilised this year.

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