
No tears for City Hall

One can appreciate the sense of frustration felt by the Georgetown City Council’s Public Relations Officer Debra Lewis over what, by her own admission in her letter to SN of November 19, is the customary “widespread criticism” inflicted upon the municipality every time it “seeks to employ a new revenue earning venture.” 

A member can refer to any document in the House without having to produce it

Dear Editor, John Q Tilson, a lecturer in Parliamentary Law at Yale Law School, a former Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives and a former Majority Leader of the US House of Representatives in his text, A manual of Parliamentary Procedure, (1948), describing the personage of one who presides over a Parliament, wrote thus: “The presiding officer of a parliamentary assembly is an institution growing out of human efforts directed toward self-government and is typical of a democratic republic.

Mr Green’s pension bill

On November 15, 2016, Parliament Office distributed the Order Paper for today’s session of Parliament which contained the hitherto unknown bill for a pension for former Prime Minister Hamilton Green and a range of other benefits.

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