

Last week all the talk in the region was about refugees, although not the Syrians, it must be noted, but Venezuelans ‒ possibly.

Fantastic corruption

Who can doubt the truth of Prime Minister David Cameron’s apparently unguarded remarks to the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury on the eve of London’s anti-corruption summit?

What training will the new town clerks, councillors receive in decision-making, structured analysis?

Dear Editor, One notes the clamour surrounding the establishment of new towns, and could hardly help but wonder what training new councillors would have received in decision-making say, (after structured analysis of the evidence); and how briefed would have been the town clerk designate in the legal provisions which must inform the execution of his/her mandate.

SN’s analysis was poor

Dear Editor, The article which was published in the May 16 edition of Stabroek News (SN) under the caption ‘Analysis … A year on, doubts rise on APNU+AFC pledge of good governance – local gov’t elections seen as biggest achievement’ was at best, a poor analysis or a blatant attempt to play down the achievements of the coalition government.

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