
Alexander is attempting to distract the public’s focus from the pivotal issues raised by the motion at Gecom

Dear Editor, Gecom Commissioner Vincent Alexander in a reply to my recent letter pointing out that the withdrawal of the application to the courts to have the application filed, on CEO Lowenfield’s behalf, to strike out the Ganga Persaud Elections Petition, would have been a better course of action by Gecom so as to allow for a full hearing and determination in the courts, suggests a “rethink” of my “conflict of interest” in the matter as a Gecom Commissioner.

Trumping towards Bethlehem

Politics is meant to be an art of contrasts. In an ideal world, candidates who advance extraordinary claims or adopt extreme positions should either be compelled to provide arguments and evidence that justify their stances, or exit the race gracefully.

Our history will be full of distortions

Dear Editor, I am a Guyanese and I love my Guyana, our Guyana, a place where we all can be One People, One Nation with the same Destiny, but I believe that our Guyana is riddled with untruths and distortions, and right is sometimes called wrong, and wrong judged as right.

Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and the Anjuman support schools-based counselling

Dear Editor, The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) and The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman (GUSIA) have joined the call for the establishment of schools-based counselling and have expressed their full support to the call coming from the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) for government to accept the proposal to utilize teachers within the public school system as school counsellors.

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