
Internal political differences must not undermine our collective voice against threats to sovereignty

Dear Editor, As we enter into an election year when every Guyanese of voting age who has been properly registered to vote, is expected to go to the polls on election day and cast his or her vote in favour of the political party of their choice to govern our country, we need to be particularly alert to the fact that our country continues to be under external threat.

Parking in the city

Whenever the subject of parking in George-town is broached, one is loathe to enter into the discussion, since one suspects the initiator is trying to revive the ghost(s) of the 2016 parking meter fiasco and the subsequent US$100 million lawsuit (2021) against the Government of Guyana which it has been forced to fight whilst having to pay exorbitant legal fees billed in US dollars.

Food Security in the Caribbean: Still more hurdles to cross

With, for reasons that remain unexplained, up to this time, a comprehensive report is still to be tendered to the people of the Caribbean regarding the pace of progress towards the enhancement of food security in the region  These days there is a great deal more chatter about the much discussed 25×2025 formula for reducing food imports from outside the region though, even now, the people of the region have been furnished with no information that provides anything resembling iron-clad information that 25×2025 is a ‘sure thing.

Sherwyn Greaves’ resignation

On February 4th, following a series of questions about real estate he might own in New York, the Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) Sherwyn Greaves resigned abruptly.

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