
Smugglers are calling the shots

Dear Editor, The current crisis in terms of ongoing fuel smuggling, convenient dismissals of star and key witnesses from their jobs, the appointment of a prosecutor with known ties to the political elite and lawyers who frequently appear for persons charged with drug offences is one for the history books.

The police must avoid the impression that they are responding only to political directives

Dear Editor, I hope that the President, his Cabinet, our Parliamentarians, Heads of our Security Forces and all responsible citizens interested in security, the integrity and ultimately the peace of this country would take seriously the letter by one Mark Bynoe headlined, “Until the security forces are perceived to deal with all criminal activities in an even-handed manner all plans will come to naught” (08.03.27).

Our organisation can provide information on community policing

Dear Editor, I refer to the letter captioned “Minister Rohee should organise a national workshop on community policing to address the problems that exist” (08.03.28) and wish to advise the writer to join a community policing group if she needs information on community policing rather than to use the newspapers to find out what is taking place with community policing.

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