Dear Editor,
It is immoral, cynical and opportunist, to say the least, when persons, organisations, or political parties seek to revise or rewrite the history of distant events to suit their own purposes or as part of some sordid design.
Dear Editor,
In today’s Chronicle, it is reported that a 37-year-old man allegedly had “forced sex” with his daughter, who is a child.
Dear Editor,
I wish to refer to an article in SN 26/11/07 titled “Shooting incident involving minister settled out of court.”
Dear Editor,
In his book The West On Trial Dr Cheddi Jagan referred to his childhood experience of visiting the exclusive manager’s compound at Christmas time when the estate manager’s wife would stand on a balcony from the manager’s mansion and throw down coins.
Dear Editor,
I have been following the incident involving the government minister and a young man of East Coast Demerara.
Dear Editor,
Attorney KA Juman-Yassin, in his letter captioned “I think Mr Carl Singh is a fit and proper person to be appointed Chancellor” (07.11.29), did Justice Singh proud by coming out with his support for his candidacy for the job.
Dear Editor,
Friday, November 23, 2007 I attended the conference hosted by the Ministry of Human Services.
Dear Editor,
There is a substantial difference between ‘African talks’ and an ‘African understanding’ of his reality in this country.
Dear Editor,
Today around the globe, we commemorate together the 20th World AIDS Day by focusing on ‘leadership’, which is required in strong and unyielding fashion if we are to reverse the spread of the epidemic.
Dear Editor,
I disagree with Mr Clarence Ellis’s assertion that “Breaking into the East Indian voting bloc is difficult because of their greater cultural cohesion” (07.11.27).
Dear Editor,
In this country with a zero population growth with large land space, long open borders, surrounded by Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname, can we man our borders effectively?
Compared with the tension that exists in Muslim communities across Europe, America’s Muslims are a more contented lot.
Dear Editor,
I was very surprised to see the headline, “Shooting incident involving minister settled out of court” (07.11.26).
Dear Editor,
Accountability is the foundation of responsible government. The Guyana Parliament on behalf of Guyanese people must have the capacity to hold ministers accountable for their behaviour and conduct as representatives of the people.
Dear Editor,
The members and executive of the Pattensen Community development Council have been trying to have a meeting with His Excellency the President for some time without any success.
Dear Editor,
I congratulate the management of Dave’s Television Station (DTV-8) in Berbice for once again providing live coverage of New Amsterdam town day 2007, which was held over the last weekend.
Dear Editor,
It has come to my realization that the use of airmail envelopes has become almost extinct.
Dear Editor,
Travelling around George-town and along the coast, I had noticed a number of recently erected street signs that had been damaged or for some reason knocked down and weeks had passed and no one seemed to notice.
Dear Editor,
We at City Hall welcome an advertisement by the Guyana Consumers Assoc-iation on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in your newspaper issue of Sunday November 25, 2007.