Dear Editor,
I pen this letter in a vain effort to put certain incidents occurring at Homestretch Avenue and at the East Ruimveldt Police Station in which I was involved on Wednesday 31st October 2007 in proper perspective.
Thus far, the government has offered two reasons why the call by GECOM and opposition parties for a new ID card for upcoming elections would not be acceded to.
Dear Editor,
Firstly, I would like to congratulate Mrs. Janet Jagan for taking a correct and principled stand in denouncing the government’s decision to withdraw or restrict its advertisements in the Stabroek News.
Dear Editor,
A teacher of English recently questioned the term “one times three,”
contending that it is wrong and it should be “one time three.”
Dear Editor,
Even as the Guyana Police Force begin to enforce strict traffic laws and attempt to bring lawless traffic offenders to justice, the carnage and the disrespect for law and order continue by minibus drivers and conductors and hire car drivers.
Dear Editor,
In response to your editorial of Oct. 15th entitled ‘Ten deaths’ I must refer to the story about the boy in Holland who saw a hole in the sea defence (sand dike) and plugged the hole with his finger until workmen arrived.
Dear Editor,
There is a major weakness with this argument. First, it assumes that the breakdown of the voting population is the same as the wider population.
Dear Editor,
In my recent letter on V S Naipaul I committed a grave error.
Dear Editor,
The opposition party headed by Mr. Corbin and backed by Mr.
Dear Editor,
During our last encounter about two years ago in Georgetown, he shared a decision to relocate to Berbice to escape the high cost of living in the city.
Dear Editor,
I refer to Mr A. Persaud’s letter captioned “To Messrs Beharry and Daljeet: Concentrate your efforts elsewhere” (KN 07.10.28).
The latest municipal drama is a piece of theatre with which Georgetown residents are only too familiar.
Dear Editor,
“Mimic men” (SN 07-11-03) or whatever one might want to call it but the reality is that the increasing popularity of American cultural traditions like Halloween and Thanksgiving in Guyana can be attributed to the fact that the world is indeed “flattening” and is becoming smaller.
Dear Editor,
We shall be most grateful if you will facilitate an enquiry of the Agencies listed below regarding a building which is being constructed in Garnette Street, Lamaha Gardens, immediately west of Aromata Place.
Dear Editor,
I find it pertinent to open this letter by relating a recent encounter I had with one of my neighbours.
Dear Editor,
Funny how one assumes, perhaps illogically, that former British colonies still adopt and follow English law.
Dear Editor,
I read with interest Abu Bakr’s letter on VS Naipaul captioned “Naipaul has re-invented himself as an upper class and unpredictably eccentric Englishman” (07.11.02).
Dear Editor,
Having lived through the 1900s as General Secretary of the People’s National Congress, I found the Stabroek News Editorial of October 24, 2007 titled, “Ashes of the Past”, a well written article, obviously done by someone possessing high professional competence and journalistic integrity.
Dear Editor,
I refer to the letter by Mr. Donald Ramotar entitled, “The PPP held Arthur Abraham in high esteem” (07.11.01).
Dear Editor,
Presidential appointments of key scientific positions in most countries are an accepted norm.