The Scene’s Cartoon
Nothing quite characterises the contradictions in the current ‘Operation Safeway’ as the success in arresting hundreds of petty offenders on the one hand, and the comparative failure to arrest the spiralling toll of road fatalities, on the other.
Dear Editor, A few weeks ago a number of us were privileged to share a moment in history.
Dear Editor, “A girl child ain’t safe in a family of men,” says Sophia in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple.
Dear Editor, I wish to refer to the letter by Kassa Barnett captioned “Eric Williams did not get the idea for capitalism and slavery from CLR James” (07.11.16) which was in response to that by Abu Bakr on November 7, 2007.
Dear Editor, Under a dictatorship the king does whatever he wants, and so, many of those ministers, advisers and other paid officials become mere rubber stamps.
Dear Editor, I read your report on the shooting incident involving the minister of government.
Dear Editor, My heart bleeds when I see young children making their way to school alone.
Dear Editor, In March of 2005, when the residents of Kwakwani protested because of the poor state of the roads in the community, the management of the bauxite company offered the community $100,000 per month to assist with development.
Dear Editor, I have been following the news on child abuse in Guyana.
Dear Editor, A widespread problem facing students in our classrooms across Guyana is the absence of teachers to deliver the curriculum.
Dear Editor, In March 2007, Red Thread launched its “Fostering Good Governance” campaign, with four priorities: A living income for all grassroots women, across all divides.
Dear Editor, After 28 years of authoritarian rule, the US and the West pressured the PNC government into holding free and fair elections under international supervision.
Dear Editor, I had no problem getting my turkey dinner this past Thanksgiving thanks to Thanksgiving dinners being offered (quite publicly advertised in the local newspapers) by restaurants like Buddy’s, Oasis Caf
Dear Editor, I am asking Minister Benn if he can please send in the crew that cleans the drains.
Dear Editor, I bought a bag of starter from the feed shop in Barr Street.
Dear Editor, From international reports, it would seem that the powers that be are now awakening to the fact that global warming is a threat to every person in every country.
The 13th Conference of the Parties, COP, to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCC, and the 3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, will be hosted by Indonesia on the island of Bali from December 3 to 14, 2007.
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