
Ishmael Beah

When UNICEF celebrates the 18th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child today, it will appoint Ishmael Beah as an Ambassador.

Red Thread was in the forefront of the opposition to VAT, why has the Chronicle suddenly published its letter?

Dear Editor, I was, frankly, amazed to see the Guyana Chronicle carrying the letter from Red Thread last week expressing its concern, anger and frustration at the AFC’s statement on the VAT, in which Raphael Trotman indicated that a letter had been sent out to a number of stakeholders, who turned out to be the usual lineup of political parties and trade unions (with the exception of Eileen Cox, tireless consumer advocate), and which completely bypassed Red Thread and indicated a most worrying tendency to conduct business as usual.

The AK-47s

Now that new leadership is in place in the Guyana Defence Force the environment has been created for a fresh approach in the way the army interfaces with the public on matters of national interest.

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