The rule of law must also be enforced against the drug barons
Dear Editor, In any society there must exist basic law and order, in which the rule of law flourishes.
Dear Editor, In any society there must exist basic law and order, in which the rule of law flourishes.
Dear Editor, I really think all those hire cars/minibus drivers protesting in Berbice are having a hard time.
Dear Editor, The repressive actions of the security forces in Buxton over the last three months, presumably on the orders of the government leave no doubt that the residents of this village are the victims of collective punishment which is designed to subjugate them once and for all time.
What on earth did Minister of Home Affairs Mr Clement Rohee have in mind when he decided to present only an edited summary of the proposed Security Sector Reform Action Plan for the National Assembly’s approval last week?
Dear Editor, Here are a few quick reactions to the article `Corentyne ‘backtrack’ back in full swing – but with new rules’ by Shabna Ullah.
Dear Editor, I am a Guyanese living in Toronto and I am an avid reader of our newspaper, the Stabroek News.
Dear Editor, First we are being “mimic men,” and now we are engaging in “cultural plagiarism” (see the letter “Celebrating Halloween is cultural plagiarism” (07.11.06).”
Dear Editor, I have read the letters pertaining to IAST and Dr.
Dear Editor, I was horrified to read the views expressed by one Christopher Rambaran in the “What the people say” column (SN November 5, 2007).
Dear Editor, I refer to two items of news – “UG convocation must go on – unions” (SN 07.11.03) and “Turkeyen lecturers withdraw from Tain campus over ‘abuse'” (SN 07.11.05) and offer the following comments.
Dear Editor, I write in response to a letter headlined “I was not impressed with the presentation at the investment forum in Florida” (07.11.06) written by Mr.
Dear Editor, I live at La Grange and the residents of the community have received telephone service for some time.
Dear Editor, I am responding to gross inaccuracies in a report the Stabroek News carried (Nov 6) based on a statement by the Academic Board.
Dear Editor, David Hinds and Tacuma Ogunseye represent a particular school of thought that advocates “executive power sharing” in Guyana.
Dear Editor, The current air of uncertainty that surrounds the execution of Guyana’s premier soccer event, the Kashif & Shanghai Tournament, has occasioned this letter to the press.
Dear Editor, I refer to an article captioned “Berbice drivers decry new fines (07.11.06)”.
Dear Editor, I refer to Abu Bakr’s letter captioned “Naipaul has re-invented himself as an upper class and unpredictably eccentric English-man” (07.11.02) .”
Dear Editor, In August 2006, the PNCR had its worst electoral performance in its history.
Dear Editor, I think the relatives and friends of wanted man David Leander called David Zammett and ‘Biscuit who are staging a protest at the Georgetown hospital should be arrested and charged.
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