
Crude Promises

With crude oil prices likely to rise above US$100 per barrel by the end of this year, there has never been a better time for petroleum-rich countries to buy their way out of chronic debt and underdevelopment.

Schools should reintroduce road safety programmes

Dear Editor, With respect to “the increasing popularity of American cultural traditions like Halloween and Thanks-giving in Guyana” as stated by Mr Urling in his letter captioned “I thoroughly enjoyed Halloween and St Patrick’s day parties ” (07.11.04) “being attributed to the fact that the world is indeed “flattening” and is becoming smaller”, I beg to differ as it is nothing short of a form of cultural plagiarism by the minority Guyanese to cultivate American cultural forms in our society just to be associated with an American phenomenon.

Elections ID card

Thus far, the government has offered two reasons why the call by GECOM and opposition parties for a new ID card for upcoming elections would not be acceded to.

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