
Many Amerindians have no access to the laws

Dear Editor, Upon reading some Toshaos reports of teenage and other rape cases in their communities at their recently concluded meeting in Georgetown (SN: 10/26/07) and their urgent need for law to be enforced, I am wondering whether it is wise to enforce the law on people who may not be even aware that their actions are unlawful.

‘Strangers in our own country’

Developing a sense of nationhood means developing a historical consciousness. Perceptions of the past inevitably change from one era to the next, but that does not mean that each generation should not attempt to come to its own understanding of the events and movements of earlier periods, or indiscriminately sweep away the cultural remains left behind by predecessors.

The withdrawal of ads does the government no credit

Dear Editor, The issue of the withdrawal of ads from Stabroek News was brought back to public notice by the demonstration organised by the newspaper outside the recent Commonwealth Finance Min-isters Conference, when the police saw it fit to deny the protestors the right to bear placards, which by any standard are a form of speech.

Being green

Five years ago, when the fight to rout Al Qaeda was still concentrated in Afghanistan, a witty UK resident painted these words on the side of his garbage bin, “Bin Laden – unless you emptied it”.

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